Scanning Technique Courses

An Introduction to the Veterinary FAST exam with Gregory Lisciandro, DVM, Dipl. ACVECC. Dr. Lisciandro one of the pioneers of the FAST exam, will teach you the basic views, location andscanning techniques to quickly apply this helpful exam in your practice.

BIG 5 Exam
Learn the basics of scanning the Big Five with Robert Cole, DVM, DAVCR. The “Big Five” mini-course is designed to introduce veterinarians to scanning the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys and Urinary Bladder.

Basic Cardiac
The Introduction to Veterinary Echocardiography mini-course is designed to introduce veterinarians to the basic views,windows and techniques utilized to perform exams. June Boon of the University of Colorado will walk the viewer through cardiac anatomy, function and basic measurements in this didactic introduction with live scanning.