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AccuPlex Multi-Test
Search our comprehensive list of tests. Board-certified specialists and pathologists are always a call or email away for expert consulting. We also offer dynamic tools like Antech Online to deliver complete access to laboratory results and Healthtracks so you can communicate with pet owners via text message.
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As a service to our valued clients, Antech provides quick online access to test request forms in PDF format. Click download on the desired form below and the PDF will open in a new window, where you have the option to save or print.
AccuPlex Multi-Test
Canine Occult Heartworm Multi-Test
Dermatopathology Consult
Avian & Exotic
Heartworm Multi-Test
Equine Histopathology/Cytology
O&P Multi-Test
O&P Multi-Test with Giardia
Radiology Review
Array ( [data_type] => array [data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [text] => Avian and Exotics [value] => avian-and-exotics [count] => 58 ) [1] => Array ( [text] => CBC Chemistry Profiles [value] => cbc-chemistry-profiles [count] => 112 ) [2] => Array ( [text] => Chemistry [value] => chemistry [count] => 20 ) [3] => Array ( [text] => Endocrinology [value] => endocrinology [count] => 26 ) [4] => Array ( [text] => Equine & Large Animal [value] => equine-large-animal [count] => 131 ) [5] => Array ( [text] => General [value] => general [count] => 139 ) [6] => Array ( [text] => Hematology [value] => hematology [count] => 21 ) [7] => Array ( [text] => Infectious [value] => infectious [count] => 44 ) [8] => Array ( [text] => Microbiology [value] => microbiology [count] => 21 ) [9] => Array ( [text] => Molecular Diagnostics [value] => molecular-diagnostics [count] => 30 ) [10] => Array ( [text] => Pathology [value] => pathology [count] => 32 ) [11] => Array ( [text] => Preventative Care [value] => preventative-care [count] => 90 ) [12] => Array ( [text] => Urine [value] => urine [count] => 12 ) ) [template] => /nas/content/live/soundacademy/wp-content/themes/_ftm/archive.php )